Published Poems

For Sale

For Sale

The sweet smell

of cured tobacco eases

out the barn’s door

into winter’s wind.

It holds odds

and ends of farm life,

a rust ladened disc plow,

an ancient toilet,

and sap encrusted hatchets

that once rang in the fields.

 A stack of standing sticks

slumps in the back corner. 

In earlier times, the barn held

tobacco ladened poles

hanging from the bars. 

Today, not much is left

of the hanging structure. 

The barn looks out over

empty fields.  Little Blue Stem

grows where cows

grazed.  Wind rustles

dried stalks. 

Snow crusts the ground. 

Half-barrel water troughs

reside on their sides

along with ones that held corn. 

Barb-wired fence sags

between cedar posts.

A “For Sale” sign hangs

by the open gate 100 ac +/-. 

Soon bull dozers and backhoes

will populate the fields,

tearing the ground to build

houses with ten acres each.

The tobacco scent and echoes

of cattle will disappear

under the smell of diesel

and truck’s growl.

                                                                        New Croton Review

                                                                        Aug 2023